Besondere Objekte
House neues in the field V3 Barcos Tabuaço - balcony, equipped, solar panels, central heating
Landhaus / Haus T3
Barcos, Viseu
€ 500.000
House to recover V3 Arcozelos Moimenta da Beira
Landhaus / Haus T3
Arcozelos, Viseu
€ 14.000
House V3 São Cipriano Resende - air conditioning, garage, equipped kitchen, central heating, barbecue
Landhaus / Haus T3
São Cipriano, Viseu
€ 399.000
House Rustic V6 Mesquitela Mangualde
Landhaus / Haus T6
Mesquitela, Viseu
€ 481.000
House V3 Oliveira de Frades - attic
Landhaus / Haus T3
Oliveira de Frades, Viseu
€ 555.000
Home in the center V2 Nelas
Landhaus / Haus T2
Nelas, Viseu
€ 450.000
Objekte suchen:
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